To preserve the life of your shade sail, you should follow our recommendations for optimum Shade Sail Maintenance. Doing so will help you to enjoy the benefits of your bespoke shade sail for as long as possible.
– the position of the shade sail: dirt accumulates and builds up faster on a horizontal than on a vertical surface,
– the exposure of the shade sail to climatic conditions such as rain, wind, hail, and snow; and organic elements such
as leaves and dirt.
– the nature and intensity of deposits.
Check regularly for:
Semi permanent Shadesails:
Our Semi permanent shade sails can withstand the majority of usual British weather, except for snow loading or strong wind, so if you cannot guarantee the shades will be kept clear of snow, we would recommend removing the shade sails for the winter period to avoid any damage. We would also recommend removing the shadesail if strong storms are forecast.
Pop up shadesails:
These are not designed to be left up when not supervised, and are not designed to take as much wind or weather as the semi permenent shadesails. They are designed to be easy to put up and taken down. We recommend checking that these are tensioned as much as possible with the hand straps. When not being used or supervised, we recommend taking this type of shadesail down.
the following cleaning methods are strictly forbidden:
– all types of abrasives: powders, pastes, liquids, abrasive sponges, etc.,
– jet washers
Then the cover can be cleaned with the IOSSO mould & mildew solution or the Renovo Canvas Cleaner.
Directions for the IOSSO mould & mildew solution :
Mix one scoop of powder per quart of water. Warm water will allow the best results. Stir thoroughly until the blue colour disappears. Mix only what you intend to use within 10 hours. Wet down the surface with water before application. Sponge or brush solution onto the surface in a circular motion to be cleaned. An application or sprayer may be used on larger areas. Let stand 15 minutes or longer keeping area wet with solution, then sponge or brush lightly. Rinse with clean water. An extra soiled area may require a longer soak time or even overnight.
We recommend purchasing the Serge Ferrari cleaner 500. Dveloped by Serge Ferrari for PVC membranes, the Cleaner 500 is a special cleaner for coated, technical textiles.
Method of use for Serge Ferrari Cleaner 500
If you don’t have the serge Ferrari cleaner you can also just a soft soap like Fairy Liquid mixed with water, no harsh chemicals.